Friday, March 21, 2008

Part 2- Twinking Screenshots

Here we have some screenshots of a typical twinking process. I do most of my implant making with my MP, and I keep my Agent and Doctor around for buffs as needed. So, yes this is quad-logged on three computers :). If you ever need to dual/triple log and you happen to have an older computer kicking around, you may have better luck if you turn down all the details and resolution on your non-main computer.

The second screenshots are of Nillan's Skill Emulator. It is getting old and doesn't have all the newest items in its database, but it works very well for quickly playing with implants and finding out what QL you can use with a given Ability and Treatment. Great for playing with configurations and getting a ballpark idea of what's possible at a given level. Check out the newer Emulators though. They might do a better job at this that I'm not aware of.

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